
Motor FIT0403 Not working as expected

userHead mominmehmood 2019-07-02 18:19:21 2330 Views1 Replies

I am working with the following robot kit:

It came with three FIT0403 DC Motors with Encoders. I was looking at the wiki about these motor at: ... U__FIT0403

I have an Arduino Uno and I connected it up exactly as the wiki stated. I then uploaded the program they gave as well. But I found that the motor is only going forwards. I then uploaded a blank sketch to the Arduino and the motor still behaved exactly the same. I then unplugged the motor from the Arduino completely and just gave it 12V from an external supply and it was behaving exactly the same.
This behaviour leads me to believe that the code given on the wiki is not working and I am unsure of how to control this motor. I have searched other resources as well and none of them really tell me how to use this motor with the arduino.

I would really appreciate your help if you could tell me how to control these motors with an Arduino.