Bluno General Arduino


userHead a.isaacs 2019-07-06 16:38:51 7260 Views6 Replies
I want to use Arduino Uno with BLE-Link controlled over Bluetooth by Snap4AArduino. It requires a baud rate of 57600. How do I set this? Is there a Bluetooth dongle that automatically adjusts the baud rate?
2019-07-19 16:28:46's reply is right. You can try it :D userHeadPic diqpet49
2019-07-10 13:17:09 Yes, I have read through the product wiki. It's very confusing, the English is not good, it goes around in circles and it does not provide the information that I have requested in my post. Please help with detailed instructions. userHeadPic a.isaacs
2019-07-09 14:01:44 Thank you. I understand what AT commands to use. How do I get the BLE_LINK into AT mode? Do I insert it in the I/O Expansion Shield? How do I connect it to my Arduino Uno? Do I use the AT switch? I've tried many things but none have worked. Do I need to update the Firmware? userHeadPic a.isaacs