
PPM 2x3A DC Motor Driver (SKU:DFR0513)

userHead Account cancelled 2019-07-26 09:34:33 3408 Views2 Replies

I followed the Wiki on how to use this motor driver. Double checked on oscilloscope on the servo pulse timing. Here is the symptom:
1) Individual controlling CH1 and CH2 no issue - works as specs
2) Running demo program in Wiki on CH2 with CH1 at servo 90 degree pulse - CH2 cease to work. But when CH1 disconnected, CH2 works.

Please kindly advise whether is the firmware of the board need to be updated?
2019-07-27 01:14:46 I have almost the same problem. Tested with an RC receiver, both PPM signals are fine on oscilloscope. Each
channel of the motor driver works fine if tested alone. When both channels are connected, only channel 2
works and channel 1 does not react to changes in PPM. In addition, if the signal lines of both channels are
tied together both channels follow the PPM.
userHeadPic kpz