
URM37 V5.0 Ultrasonic Sensor

userHead maria.noronha.costa 2019-08-19 18:39:17 2451 Views3 Replies
I have an automation project that requires a large number of sensors (up to 30) with a measuring range from 5cm to 2m (at least). I pretend to use an S7-1200 CPU 1215C PLC and these distance sensors ( ... _#target_4). I would like to know if the connection between these sensors and the mentioned PLC is possible. If so, where can I find more information about the RS232 interface?
Thank you in advance.
2019-08-20 17:09:45 Thank you for your reply!
I'm sorry, I think I didn't explain my idea well. I also realize those sensors might not be the best solution since they don't support the RS485 communication protocol. I'm now considering using these sensors instead (
These sensors cover the required measuring range. I need multiple sensors because I intend to measure distance on several points of the platform. The sensors would be relatively far apart (maybe 0.5 m). Is it possible to occur interference in such conditions? If so, how can I avoid that? And how can I find information on how to establish the connection between the sensors and the PLC?
Thank you in advance.
userHeadPic maria.noronha.costa
2019-08-19 18:45:16 I would also like to know if it is possible to occur interference between the US distance sensors. If so, is there a minimum distance at which I can place my sensors to avoid that? userHeadPic maria.noronha.costa