
BME280 sensor on SIM7000E shield

userHead a0939056516 2019-08-20 14:19:00 3143 Views2 Replies
Hi, I've been successful using SIM7000E with a sim card using FTP to put message to my surver in Taiwan. Thanks for both powerful board and libraries.

Then I try to get environmental temperature from BME280 sensor. I download the DFRobot_BME280 library from GitHub( ) and verify&upload the code to Uno copy from SIM7000 product page ( ... 2#target_6), but the upload is failed. I received fail message : cannot declare variable 'bme' to be of abstract type 'DFRobot_BME280'

I check the DFRobot_BME280 code and found out that there is no function called "temperatureValue", "pressureValue", "humidityValue" and "altitudeValue", but similar function called "getTemperature", "getPressure", "getHumidity", "calAltitude". So I suspect that maybe I download a wrong library to verify this code ? Because there is no link to download the library from the product website.

Next I switch to the code name as "config.ino" in example folder within DFRobot_BME280 library, verify&upload this code to Uno. Again I received fail message : 'eSdo_low' is not a member of 'BME {aka DFRobot_BME280_IIC}'

It seems that this library isn't for SIM7000 shield, I'm not sure.

Does anyone know what happened ? Or have been successful to get BME280 sensor value on SIM7000 shield ?
2019-08-22 15:06:13 wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:31 am
Hi thanks for your support.
Please kindly note that the BME280 IIC address is 0x77 in default, while the SIM7000E IIC address is 0x76.
I edit the code from
Code: Select all
BME   bme(&Wire, BME::eSdo_low)
Code: Select all
BME   bme(&Wire, 0x76);
and it works.

Thanks so much for your support !
userHeadPic a0939056516