

userHead Maht 2016-01-27 19:34:29 91871 Views5 Replies

The DFRobot Maker Community is in place to help users with DFRobot product issues, help with project implementation and general engineering-related queries. It is also a place where you can showcase your work and share ideas with other makers.



In order to help each other as quickly and efficiently as possible, we suggest following these guidelines:


First, if you haven’t already, check the product wiki for information:

You can search for the product you are having problems with by entering the SKU in the search bar (e.g. ROBxxxx, KITxxxx, SENxxxx, etc.) You can also use the product name to search.

If you have checked the product wiki and haven’t found what you need, please do post questions on our forum!

In your post please include the following information if you can: 

• The SKU of the product you are having issues with (e.g. ROBxxxx, KITxxxx, SENxxxx, etc.)
• What IDE are you using? (e.g. Arduino IDE v 1.7.9)
• What is the intended function of your project?
• Are you using any libraries? Links to the source are helpful!
• Provide a sample of the code you are using between code tags so we can easily check it for any errors, e.g.:


Code: Select all
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Feel free to provide any other details that you think might help - the more detail, the better.
When you have posted, one of our moderators will get back to you as soon as we can!

(Of course, you don't have to follow these guidelines, but it might take us longer to help you if we don't have enough information!)

Do you see any mistakes on our wiki? Spelling, grammar, technical errors? Please do let us know on the forum so we can make it better.


2022-01-19 03:54:26 Hey people i signed up about 10 minutes ago and i'm seeing heaps of spam posts, when i click the "report" button on those posts (and replies) i get a 404. userHeadPic adam
2021-08-28 03:10:18 Everytime you change the page you have to re-login before posting
userHeadPic edwardbrugel
2021-08-14 04:57:21 I've tried 3 times to post a message and I keep getting sent to the Login page
I'm logged in
How can I post a message?
userHeadPic edwardbrugel
2021-07-29 12:16:52 Hi, I have read userHeadPic l.laspada
2018-07-26 22:06:41 I would like to use SEN0149 ultrasonic sensor, URM06 in Water, to detect the distance to the topmost spot of an ellipsoidal plastic cylinder(long axis : 1.5m, short axis : 1m, cylinder part : 4m long) to get an output to control the motor to open a gate which the cylinder is to be passed with the direction of perpendicular to long side, 1.5m before the gate every 2 seconds on a conveyor underwater. In this situation, I would like to confirm belows especially for the case to use the sensor in Water,
1. Accuracy, 2. Repeatability, 3. Response time to detect the distance and to give the output.
userHeadPic sonsun179