Forum >DF-BluetoothV3 Arduino Mega project

DF-BluetoothV3 Arduino Mega project

userHead Account cancelled 2012-01-27 05:16:39 4304 Views1 Replies
Good day everyone!

I am developing project where I need to scan and define cell phone via bluetooth module. Scenario: arduino mega with bluetooth module, i bring my nokia phone to blutooth module, it defines nokia phone bluetooth mac address.
Does anyone know how it can be implemented?
I read about sending AT commands to bluetooth module, can someone show how this can be done(arduino code example)?
2012-01-27 20:21:44 Sounds like an interesting project.  I think the nokia phone plays the most important role as the master side is on cell phone.  Arduino bluetooth usually works as slave, although it can be configured to master mode.

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO