Forum >Insectbot Hexa Kit

Insectbot Hexa Kit

userHead tatarin73chita 2016-03-13 00:19:04 32526 Views9 Replies
Hello! The assembly instructions are not specified sizes in the steppes of the size of 1 cm 2. Is there a size, but there is C and B sizes
2016-03-28 22:55:34 Hello there, check the instructions book, it has a section about troubleshooting. If Insectbot is walking backwards you probably have your servos out of time with each other. You will need to remove the servo horns and replace them on the servo shaft at a different angle, and keep experimenting until the rhythm is correct and the three servos move at the right time with each other. Try this and post results if there are still problems. Hope this helps. userHeadPic Maht
2016-03-23 23:22:48 I think so, I made two Insectbot before, one of them is like what you said_moving back instead of forward.

I don't really remember how I change to the foots's angle, but middle foot is very important. you can make it more touched to ground.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-23 02:55:14 I changed places contacts servos , still moving backward. This may be if not the foot angle ? userHeadPic tatarin73chita
2016-03-23 02:31:02 Hello! I bought batteries to batteries because quickly discharged . After charging again proceed to debug ustroystva.Ya not sit in programirovanii to change the code to help . userHeadPic tatarin73chita
2016-03-21 22:35:35 Hi tatarin73chita,

Oh, got it, I can't tell exactly what length or angle would make it perfectly running, but your picture looks very good, I could only recommend it be made like a real creature's legs of proportion of different parts.

And as to why it moves back, is it possible you plugged the servo to pins reversely so that the forward turned out to backward?

Or you can try to do some modify to the code...
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-19 03:21:40 Hello! Why the robot moves back? For the second set of batteries planted explain why he is moving back? :( userHeadPic tatarin73chita
2016-03-17 06:04:00 Hello! I photographed all the nodes with which I had problems. How to A or B, and what size should be in C? userHeadPic tatarin73chita
2016-03-17 05:56:46 Hello! I photographed all the nodes with which I had problems. How to A or B, and what size should be in C? userHeadPic tatarin73chita
2016-03-15 01:19:24 Hi

Can you show some pictures? I didn't understand that fully? sorry
userHeadPic Leff