Forum >Purchasing issue

Purchasing issue

userHead safari 2016-03-18 03:57:07 4513 Views4 Replies
I cannot finish transaction with some problems:

1) I try to purchase this device: ... ct_id=1025
It's marked "in stock", but when i try to checkout it marked ***

"Products marked with *** are not available in the desired quantity or not in stock!"

2) Then, even if I press [checkout] the system ask shipping method:

Please select the preferred shipping method to use on this order.
* Pickup From Store (Located in Shanghai, China) (Weight: 0.16kg) $0.00

Collect on delivery (Weight: 0.16kg) $0.00
Shipping Company:
Company Name: *
Account Number: *

What should I select to get the parcel in Moscow, Russia (I have not account in DHL/Fedex/etc) ???

PS: I've tried yesterday to ask via email to [email protected], with no answer.
2021-12-28 06:38:33 Join this website and play this website Join the Colours thanks for the forward this information. userHeadPic ufc28496
2016-03-22 23:15:02 Ok, I've told your email to my colleague in charge of [email protected]

safari wrote:I sent my e-mail to you by the private message.
Thanks, Leff.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-22 02:07:54 I sent my e-mail to you by the private message.
Thanks, Leff.
userHeadPic safari
2016-03-21 18:25:37 Hi,

I asked my colleague, but they didn't receive your email, could you tell us your email address or send it again?

Btw, the related issue I have passed it to related person, they will solved it asap.
userHeadPic Leff