Forum >Arduino Motor Shield (L298N) (SKU:DRI0009) Power Supply

Arduino Motor Shield (L298N) (SKU:DRI0009) Power Supply

userHead Rivoire Pierre 2016-03-23 01:16:18 4391 Views5 Replies

As I am about to try to use the referenced shield, I was wondering how to know if I need to use the external power supply for it or if the Arduino one is enough?

I am using an Arduino UNO and the motors (x2) are those ones: SKU: FIT0016.

Thank you for your help,
2016-03-25 22:17:22 hi Rivoire Pierre,

The power required is depended on the DC motor driver chip actually but not the motor ;) , and one more useful referrence could be found in its specification, Motor Driven Voltage:6.5~12v(VIN Power Supply), 4.8~35V (External Power Source)

I just was posting something related, you may have a look Power Supply for Arduino card (Motor driver+ servo ...)

Rivoire Pierre wrote:Extra question regarding the shield:

To power it externally, Does the power required depends on the motors? If I have 2 6V motors, should I put a 6V Power supply or is there some adapting done by the shield?

Thanks again
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-25 04:16:12 Extra question regarding the shield:

To power it externally, Does the power required depends on the motors? If I have 2 6V motors, should I put a 6V Power supply or is there some adapting done by the shield?

Thanks again
userHeadPic Rivoire Pierre
2016-03-24 02:26:37 Cool~ ;)

Maht wrote:Hi there,

You will need to use an external power supply such as a 7.2v lipo battery, or an AA battery pack. The arduino can only control the logic of the motors and wont provide enough amps to power two motors.

hope this helps!
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-24 00:07:51 It does, I am now sure I need that extra power supply.
Thanks a lot!

For the theory part: how can I know what I can use without external power? What data shall I look for?
I understand that the answer is "not much"...
It seems that if I want to use motors and/or servo, I need the extra supply except exception.
userHeadPic Rivoire Pierre
2016-03-23 22:45:05 Hi there,

You will need to use an external power supply such as a 7.2v lipo battery, or an AA battery pack. The arduino can only control the logic of the motors and wont provide enough amps to power two motors.

hope this helps!
userHeadPic Maht