
[SEN0291] Gravity: I2C Digital Wattmeter - dimmension/3d model

userHead kubusek32 2019-09-20 20:43:28 4489 Views19 Replies

I'm designing my own 3d printed case for an electronic devices which is using sen0291 module. Is it possible to get 3d model of mentioned module? Or at least update of dimensions (hole diameter and position in Y axis). ... ension.pdf
2019-10-01 01:58:44 Thanks, do you have 3d model in *.stp or Fusion 360? userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-10-01 01:58:44 Thanks, do you have 3d model in *.stp or Fusion 360? userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-27 14:40:30
Code: Select all
             |                 30mm                 |   
 -           |--------------------------------------|
             |                                      |
             |                           ***        |
             |                          *3mm*       |    -
             |                           ***        |
22mm         |                                      |    15mm
             |                           ***        |
             |                          *3mm*       |    -
             |                           ***        |
	     |                                      |
-            |--------------------------------------|
                                          |    ?    |
Can be like that? I need value which goes to question mark.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-27 14:40:30
Code: Select all
             |                 30mm                 |   
 -           |--------------------------------------|
             |                                      |
             |                           ***        |
             |                          *3mm*       |    -
             |                           ***        |
22mm         |                                      |    15mm
             |                           ***        |
             |                          *3mm*       |    -
             |                           ***        |
	     |                                      |
-            |--------------------------------------|
                                          |    ?    |
Can be like that? I need value which goes to question mark.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-27 01:53:10 Hi,

Yes, I've checked that pdf. Hence my question. This pdf is incomplete. Little by little we're going forward with my question.
Last dimension is position of this holes. Can you check that? I wanted to put picture but attaching is not working.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-27 01:53:10 Hi,

Yes, I've checked that pdf. Hence my question. This pdf is incomplete. Little by little we're going forward with my question.
Last dimension is position of this holes. Can you check that? I wanted to put picture but attaching is not working.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-23 15:44:18 Hi, I know that page, can you point me to link where I can download a 3D model? Or copy and paste link here?
Regarding dimensions, there is info about total PCB dimensions. I need diameter of mounting holes and their position in PCB.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-23 15:44:18 Hi, I know that page, can you point me to link where I can download a 3D model? Or copy and paste link here?
Regarding dimensions, there is info about total PCB dimensions. I need diameter of mounting holes and their position in PCB.
userHeadPic kubusek32
2019-09-20 20:43:28 Hello,

I'm designing my own 3d printed case for an electronic devices which is using sen0291 module. Is it possible to get 3d model of mentioned module? Or at least update of dimensions (hole diameter and position in Y axis). ... ension.pdf
userHeadPic kubusek32