
Maqueen - Micro:bit - control in micropython robot maqueen - no documetation about I2C motor

userHead Account cancelled 2019-10-25 19:43:14 7585 Views5 Replies

I am working with robot car type for Micro:bit Maqueen, wich is a great product.
currently tutorials are for makecode , block programming. I am coding basic tutorial in micro python of micro:bit for each sensor, led , etc of maqueen. good progress with neopixels, leds, ultrasonic sensor, .. but i am blocked with the 2 motor shiled with i2c interface

I see in extension for makecode that adres is 0x10 and that apparently to ocntrol motos you should write 3 bytes : 1st id of motor, 2nd for CW or CCW, last for speed. this i2c.write commands works but not as expected according makecode extension.

Please can you provideme the documentation of motor shield of maqueen to code a driver in micropython of micro:bit.

Thanks :geek:
2020-07-13 17:21:44 Hi!
How about documetation and examle for motor I2C?
Thanks a lot.
userHeadPic vasiljuktolik
2019-11-26 11:17:47 Yes. I also need such information as I need to write it in Micropython.
Can you share it with me too on the Micropython code for controlling the motors?
Thank you. ;)
userHeadPic kenwong37