
Problems calibrating my SEN0244

userHead iaglanda07 2019-11-02 02:31:40 1125 Views0 Replies
HI, i have got my SEN0244, and i´m trying to calibrate it using the advanced tutorial and the library on an Arduino Uno REV 3 with Arduinos IDE 1.8.8. I´m trying to calibrate but, when i put the command "cal: 5" only appears at the serial monitor the following message

">>>Confirm Failed,Try Again<<<"

I have cleared the EEPROM but it still doing the same :( then, i have tried to put de command "calec:5 " but it still appearing the same answer, please help me. In addition. the "enter" command and the "exit" command seems to works well, cause the serial monitor response at them