
LED Current Meter 10A SKU:DFR0244

userHead luke 2019-11-11 22:56:52 4221 Views3 Replies

Is there any way of reading the current from an Arduino? I would like to display the current on the LED but also save the reading on an SD card using the mega sensor shield.


2019-11-12 23:05:53 Thanks but thats not quite what I was hoping for.

I have an arduino with lcd already displaying a lot of information and would like a stand alone current meter but to discreetly log the information to the arduino. I work with a less tech savvy colleague and he likes to view and write things down. I would like to record everything so I can analyse the data over a longer period of time. so to achieve this with another sensor would require another arduino and LCD or to learn how to recreate your product with an output

I was hoping there was a way of reading from the board the current displayed so that I can record it but I am guessing from your answer that there is not.


userHeadPic luke