Forum >LattePande Case

LattePande Case

userHead Grote Peter 2016-05-01 00:56:07 4606 Views5 Replies

Hi Forum,
Have anyone a knowledge about how to find a case for the LattePanda Board.

I ma new into the LattePanda so I hope that some is able to help me out.

Have a great day

2016-06-02 19:31:19 Hi everyone, thanks for your interest.

Follow the link below to see all available LattePanda accessories on our store, including a choice of two kinds of case. ... lattepanda

Hope this helps. We would appreciate your feedback on these products!
userHeadPic Maht
2016-06-01 02:16:36 Amazon has a plywood case. Just bought 2. userHeadPic mike.ouimet
2016-05-30 18:46:51 I am looking for a case as well. Is somebody making them or have them available here in the US?

userHeadPic DavidHutton
2016-05-13 01:45:32 With such a board there is lots of cases that can be solved.....the problem is that I have not got mine yet...
I let you know about my 2 centimeter Project for my tractor when I am there.
Tractor steering vith use of a pixhawk and GPS positioning with RTK.
Planned Route with Mission Planner.
userHeadPic pelle
2016-05-01 08:21:07 Seems not available on dfrobot store now... userHeadPic Leff