
MCP3424 Usage

userHead Account cancelled 2020-01-01 05:13:37 1741 Views1 Replies
I'm just trying to confirm usage of the MCP3424 as I would like to use it for a bit more than just reading the analog output of the Milone E-Tape. My goal is to use it to also measure the voltage on the sensor supply line if possible, but reading the datasheet has me wondering if that's a good idea. So far, it works great for ADC on the Omega, but can I use it for more?

1. Can I supply 5V to the sensor, but use it on a 3v3 device (Onion Omega) safely? Honestly, I never thought about doing that, and based on the datasheet, I would guess it's a no no, but I figured I would ask. I don't really have room for level conversion plus this isn't the only device on the i2c bus, and I don't want to damage anything. I ask because I want to safely do question 2, but wonder what the resolution is and whether supplying more than ref to the device could cause a problem.

2. Can I use one of the ports to watch the voltage out of the LDO which supplies my sensors power?

Based on the datasheet, the device can tolerate VDD +.4 v
Code: Select all
All inputs and outputs ............. ..........VSS –0.4V to VDD+0.4V
So if my VDD is 3v3 (off an LDO from the 5V input, not powered from the Onion), I assume this means it will read the input up to 3.7V which would make it safe to use as a voltage monitor on the sensor bus which would be roughly 3.32 V (based on recent scope measurements). But if so, does this mean the sensor range is 3.7V to 0V? How does one do the math to figure out the voltage in that case?

Did I read this right? Do I have the Analog input rules correct? Can I use one of the inputs to watch the voltage on that line as a health monitor safely? I would like to watch the output of the LDO as a health check, and I thought this might be a useful simple way to do it.