
Romeo BLE DFR0305 issue

userHead deity 2020-01-13 05:59:12 3369 Views3 Replies
I have everything set up and all that happens is the wheels spin and spin and spin on my RC car. If I upload the code they will stop for 2 seconds then start right back up. I've tried several RC Bluno Apps for Android and even though they say "connected" commands have no effect. Complete newbie here so all help is REALLY appreciated!! Here is the info:

IDE: Arduino 1.8.10
Libraries: DFMobile, GoBle and Metro


#include <Servo.h>
#include <Metro.h>
#include "GoBLE.h"
#include <Wire.h>

#define CAR_TYPE 1//1:car type cherokry

#define speedPin_M1 5//M1 speed control
#define speedPin_M2 6//M2 speed control
#define directionPin_M1 4//M1 direction control
#define directionPin_M2 7//M2 direction control
#define URPWM 3 //ultrosonic module(0-25000US,50US is 1cm)
#define URTRIG 10 //ultrosonic trig pin
#define SERVO_PIN 9

Metro measureDistance = Metro(50);//build metro object, the interval is 50ms
Metro sweepServo = Metro(20);//build metro object, the interval is 20ms

unsigned long actualDistance = 0;

Servo myservo;//build the servo
int pos = 90;
int sweepFlag = 1;

//Define global variables, save the bluetooth data
int joystickX, joystickY;
int buttonState[6];
bool mode = 1; //mode=0:avoid obstacle, mode=1:control by bluetooth

void setup() {
pinMode(speedPin_M1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(speedPin_M2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(directionPin_M1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(directionPin_M2, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(speedPin_M2, 0);
digitalWrite(directionPin_M2, LOW);
digitalWrite(speedPin_M1, 0);
digitalWrite(directionPin_M1, LOW);

digitalWrite(URTRIG, HIGH);
pinMode(URPWM, INPUT);


void loop() {
if (mode == 1) {
BLEMode();//Bluetooth mode
} else {
avoidanceMode();//avoid obstacle mode
//control motor 1
void motorM1Control(int speed) {
if (speed == 0) {
analogWrite(speedPin_M1, 0); //speed = 0, stop
if (CAR_TYPE == 1) {
if (speed > 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M1, HIGH); //direction pin set low, move forward
analogWrite(speedPin_M1, speed);
} else if (speed < 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M1, LOW); //direction pin set high, move backward
analogWrite(speedPin_M1, -speed);
} else if (CAR_TYPE == 2 || CAR_TYPE == 3) {
if (speed > 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M1, LOW); //direction pin set low, move forward
analogWrite(speedPin_M1, speed);
else if (speed < 0) { //??
digitalWrite(directionPin_M1, HIGH); //direction pin set high, move backward
analogWrite(speedPin_M1, -speed);
void motorM2Control(int speed) {
if (speed == 0) {
analogWrite(speedPin_M2, 0); //speed = 0, stop
if (CAR_TYPE == 1) {
if (speed > 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M2, LOW); //direction pin set low, move forward
analogWrite(speedPin_M2, speed);
else if (speed < 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M2, HIGH); //direction pin set high, move backward
analogWrite(speedPin_M2, -speed);
} else if (CAR_TYPE == 2 || CAR_TYPE == 3) {
if (speed > 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M2, LOW); //direction pin set low, move forward
analogWrite(speedPin_M2, speed);
else if (speed < 0) {
digitalWrite(directionPin_M2, HIGH); //direction pin set high, move backward
analogWrite(speedPin_M2, -speed);
//motor control
void motorControl(int speedRight, int speedLeft ) {

int MeasureDistance() {
digitalWrite(URTRIG, LOW);//URTRIG set low
digitalWrite(URTRIG, HIGH);//PWM mode trig
unsigned long distance = pulseIn(URPWM, LOW); //read PWM
if (distance >= 30000) {
Serial.println("Invalid");//read invalid
} else {
distance = distance / 50; //50us means 1cm
if (distance > 4) {
return distance;//filter distance less than 4
//servo control
void servoSweep() {
if (sweepFlag) {
if (pos >= 60 && pos <= 120) {
pos = pos + 10;
if (pos > 119) sweepFlag = false;
else {
if (pos >= 60 && pos <= 120) {
pos = pos - 10;
if (pos < 61) sweepFlag = true;
//receive bluetooth data
void receive_BLE()
if (Goble.available()) {
joystickX = Goble.readJoystickX();
joystickY = Goble.readJoystickY();
buttonState[0] = Goble.readSwitchUp();//up 1
buttonState[1] = Goble.readSwitchDown();//down 3
buttonState[2] = Goble.readSwitchLeft();//left 4
buttonState[3] = Goble.readSwitchRight();//rght 2
buttonState[4] = Goble.readSwitchSelect();//select 5
buttonState[5] = Goble.readSwitchStart();//start 6
if (buttonState[4] == PRESSED) {
mode = 1;// if SWITCH_SELECT pressed,mode=1,switch to bluetooth mode
if (buttonState[5] == PRESSED) {
mode = 0;//if SWITCH_START pressed,mode=0,switch to avoid obstacle mode

void BLE_Delay(int Time)
for (int i = Time; i > 0; i--) {
delay(1);//delay and receive bluetooth data, when received, stop delay
if (Goble.available()) {
joystickX = Goble.readJoystickX();
joystickY = Goble.readJoystickY();
buttonState[0] = Goble.readSwitchUp();
buttonState[1] = Goble.readSwitchDown();
buttonState[2] = Goble.readSwitchLeft();
buttonState[3] = Goble.readSwitchRight();
buttonState[4] = Goble.readSwitchSelect();
buttonState[5] = Goble.readSwitchStart();
if (buttonState[4] == PRESSED) {
mode = 1;//if SWITCH_SELECT pressed,mode=1,switch to bluetooth mode
//avoid obstacle mode
void avoidanceMode() {
if (measureDistance.check() == 1) {
actualDistance = MeasureDistance();//measure distance
if (sweepServo.check() == 1) {
servoSweep();//servo control
if (actualDistance <= 30) {
if (pos >= 90) {
motorControl(0, 0);
motorControl(-200, -200); //move back
motorControl(-200, 200); //turn right
} else {
motorControl(0, 0);
motorControl(-200, -200); //move back
motorControl(200, -200); //turn left
} else {
motorControl(150, 150); //move forward
//bluetooth mode
void BLEMode() {
if (buttonState[0] == PRESSED) {
motorControl(150, 150); //move forward
else if (buttonState[1] == PRESSED) {
motorControl(-150, -150); //move back
else if (buttonState[2] == PRESSED) {
motorControl(200, -200); //turn left
else if (buttonState[3] == PRESSED) {
motorControl(-200, 200); //turn right
else {
motorControl(0, 0); //stop
2020-01-20 20:41:14 Thank you for your reply! I am not using an iPhone, I am using Android and I have gotten several apps that are supposed to work - the Bluetooth activity light goes off and on - but I supposed because of the code it is not working. You mentioned logic issues but I am not a programmer and got this code from a tutorial. Any ideas on what needs to be changed? userHeadPic deity