
Firebeetle ESP32 + DFR 0531 problem with demo-sketch

userHead mb246 2020-01-19 18:27:34 4201 Views7 Replies
I am trying to run the the examples provided by this very homepage
to connect the DFR0531 E-Ink Display to the Firebeetle 32.

I am able to run programs on the Firebeetle, but when trying to run any of the the demo-sketches
i am getting errors, so i can't try out the display.

this ist the link to the examples, this time i tried to run the code under the API section. ... U__DFR0531

LIke advised in the text i downloaded an installed the DFrobot Display-Library und the Epaper-Library.
But I get the impression, the adruino-IDE is missing information, it is not allocating the esp32 output pins to the variables e.g. "EINK_CS"

this is the code i run:
Code: Select all
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "DFRobot_IL0376F_SPI.h"
DFRobot_IL0376F_SPI eink;

#define EINK_CS  D3
#define Font_CS  D6
#define EINK_DC  D8
#define BUSY     D7

void setup(void)
    //Select the corresponding pins
    eink.begin(EINK_CS, Font_CS, EINK_DC, BUSY);

    //Clear the screen and display white-
    //Displays a string, red font
    eink.disString(12,12,1,"DFRobot EINK 1234567890,[email protected]#$%^&*()-+=",RED);
    //Refresh screen display

    //Displays a string, red font
    eink.disString(12,48,1,"DFRobotThree-color electronic ink screen test program",BLACK);
    //Refresh screen display

void loop(void)

this is what the arduino-ide has to complain:

/Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/Display_04/Display_04.ino: In function 'void setup()':
Display_04:5:18: error: 'D3' was not declared in this scope
#define EINK_CS D3
/Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/Display_04/Display_04.ino:14:16: note: in expansion of macro 'EINK_CS'
eink.begin(EINK_CS, Font_CS, EINK_DC, BUSY);
Display_04:6:18: error: 'D6' was not declared in this scope
#define Font_CS D6
/Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/Display_04/Display_04.ino:14:25: note: in expansion of macro 'Font_CS'
eink.begin(EINK_CS, Font_CS, EINK_DC, BUSY);
Display_04:7:18: error: 'D8' was not declared in this scope
#define EINK_DC D8
/Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/Display_04/Display_04.ino:14:34: note: in expansion of macro 'EINK_DC'
eink.begin(EINK_CS, Font_CS, EINK_DC, BUSY);
Display_04:8:18: error: 'D7' was not declared in this scope
#define BUSY D7
/Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/Display_04/Display_04.ino:14:43: note: in expansion of macro 'BUSY'
eink.begin(EINK_CS, Font_CS, EINK_DC, BUSY);
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "DFRobot_IL0376F_SPI.h" gefunden
Benutzt: /Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/libraries/DFRobot_ePaper-master
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "SPI.h" gefunden
Benutzt: /Users/Fragesteller/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.4/libraries/SPI
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "Wire.h" gefunden
Benutzt: /Users/Fragesteller/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.4/libraries/Wire
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "DFRobot_Display.h" gefunden
Benutzt: /Users/Fragesteller/Documents/Arduino/libraries/DFRobot_Display-master
exit status 1
'D3' was not declared in this scope

I hope, somebody is able to help me out!
2020-03-17 22:09:38 I hadn't this json in my config. I have renamed the AppData/Arduino15 then Arduino re-started like a fresh install. It's working now, thanks. userHeadPic stephane.driussi
2020-03-14 20:47:19 Hi, I had the same issue with Arduino IDE 1.8.12 on Windows
I have replaced D3 by 26, D6 by 10, D8 by 5 and D7 by 13 but nothing changed on the e-paper. I have simplified the code by WHITE clear and display the word "SPI" on line 0,0 and added a counter on the serial interface to check that the code is correctly uploaded. Could you help ?
userHeadPic stephane.driussi
2020-02-05 22:55:55 thank you for looking into this! userHeadPic mb246