Forum >Re: Characteristic DFB1 is missing 0x2902 Descriptor
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Re: Characteristic DFB1 is missing 0x2902 Descriptor

userHead Leff 2016-06-07 02:32:26 21820 Views27 Replies
Hi Sir,

Sorry what do you mean by talking DFB1 charactor, do u find a bug in our firmware or something?
2024-02-10 04:10:01

Is there any reason technical reason why this descriptor was "deprecated" ?

userHeadPic clopg.sane
2023-08-31 02:00:28

Hi , I'm also facing similar issues. 

userHeadPic cunez.stun
2016-07-04 00:44:37 Hi , I'm also facing similar issues. Even in iOS/OSX, after set notify, there is no notification and read byte is only 1 byte... userHeadPic Chua Davidson
2016-06-16 22:11:30 Hi Don,
We are so pleasure that you could add support for Bluno.
We will feed back this feather to our R&D teams.
Thank you. It is really a rational advice!
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-16 19:34:12 Thank you don.coleman,

Very thankful for your suggestion. I will let our team know that. Thanks again.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-16 19:34:12 Thank you don.coleman,

Very thankful for your suggestion. I will let our team know that. Thanks again.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-16 19:34:12 Thank you don.coleman,

Very thankful for your suggestion. I will let our team know that. Thanks again.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-13 01:36:15 Hi Don,
Bluno is a customised BLE device.
We may dismiss some functions so as to make BLE device easy to use.
For the time being, we may only recommend to use other plugin. Or ask the plugin owner make a patch on it.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-13 01:36:15 Hi Don,
Bluno is a customised BLE device.
We may dismiss some functions so as to make BLE device easy to use.
For the time being, we may only recommend to use other plugin. Or ask the plugin owner make a patch on it.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-13 01:36:15 Hi Don,
Bluno is a customised BLE device.
We may dismiss some functions so as to make BLE device easy to use.
For the time being, we may only recommend to use other plugin. Or ask the plugin owner make a patch on it.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-09 05:04:09 Hi Angelo,

We are using an apache cordova plugin (cross mobile platform framework). The problem is that any generic BLE plugins following the spec properly will try to write to this descriptor in order to enable notifications. And since it's not there, it's totally right to stop the enable notifications process at this point, and prevent the call to (e.g.: android) gatt.setCharacteristicNotification.

if you use native code directly, you are right, you can bypass this check, but it's more a hack than the actual spec.

Is there any reason technical reason why this descriptor was "deprecated" ?

Thanks for your reply,
userHeadPic Nadeau Christian
2016-06-09 05:04:09 Hi Angelo,

We are using an apache cordova plugin (cross mobile platform framework). The problem is that any generic BLE plugins following the spec properly will try to write to this descriptor in order to enable notifications. And since it's not there, it's totally right to stop the enable notifications process at this point, and prevent the call to (e.g.: android) gatt.setCharacteristicNotification.

if you use native code directly, you are right, you can bypass this check, but it's more a hack than the actual spec.

Is there any reason technical reason why this descriptor was "deprecated" ?

Thanks for your reply,
userHeadPic Nadeau Christian
2016-06-09 05:04:09 Hi Angelo,

We are using an apache cordova plugin (cross mobile platform framework). The problem is that any generic BLE plugins following the spec properly will try to write to this descriptor in order to enable notifications. And since it's not there, it's totally right to stop the enable notifications process at this point, and prevent the call to (e.g.: android) gatt.setCharacteristicNotification.

if you use native code directly, you are right, you can bypass this check, but it's more a hack than the actual spec.

Is there any reason technical reason why this descriptor was "deprecated" ?

Thanks for your reply,
userHeadPic Nadeau Christian
2016-06-09 01:43:42 Hi Don
The descriptor 0x2902 is deprecated in Bluno. Notification on DFB1 is always enabled and cannot be closed.
Just use code like
Code: Select all
to get the notification messages from Bluno.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-09 01:43:42 Hi Don
The descriptor 0x2902 is deprecated in Bluno. Notification on DFB1 is always enabled and cannot be closed.
Just use code like
Code: Select all
to get the notification messages from Bluno.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-09 01:43:42 Hi Don
The descriptor 0x2902 is deprecated in Bluno. Notification on DFB1 is always enabled and cannot be closed.
Just use code like
Code: Select all
to get the notification messages from Bluno.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-06-08 23:43:54 And to don.coleman,

Ok, gorge that, but sorry the firmware is preserved. And like above, I will let our team know this bug.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-08 23:43:54 And to don.coleman,

Ok, gorge that, but sorry the firmware is preserved. And like above, I will let our team know this bug.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-08 23:43:54 And to don.coleman,

Ok, gorge that, but sorry the firmware is preserved. And like above, I will let our team know this bug.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-06-08 23:42:18 Hi Nadeau Christian,

Thanks for your code, is it from bluno basic demo, that open source file? I am not sure in this problem, and will pass it to our team to see what they would say, I will update here.

Good day.
userHeadPic Leff