Forum >Romeo Mini BLE: can't connect from mobile phone
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Romeo Mini BLE: can't connect from mobile phone

userHead mi_semion 2016-07-15 21:55:33 3418 Views5 Replies
I loaded a sketch via UCB

Code: Select all
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps

void loop(){ //if some data is sent, read it and save it in the state variable

if(Serial.available() > 0)
int state =;
Serial.print("I received: ");

plugged of USB
attached battery
on mobile phone turned on bluetooth,
made phone visible to all devices
found Bluno
during pairing procedure Bluno bluetooth light was on
I tried PINs 0000, 1234, 12345678
but connection always failed with error 'Wrong PIN'

what should be done for connection from mobile phone?

Thank you
2016-09-30 23:33:25 Thanks for sharing :) userHeadPic Wendy.Hu
2016-09-29 12:03:09 Try pin: 000000 , its work for me and change the serial to 115200 userHeadPic pokemon10034
2016-07-19 01:10:22 Hi mi_semion,

So it sounds like you are going to use the HID mode, right?
userHeadPic Leff
2016-07-16 21:59:21 Thank you. but if I could find info there I wouldn't create a theme here. Question looks, from my prospective, pretty simple and straightforward. Is PIN of the board kind of a secret? And page for this particular board refers to a slightly different device in regards of BLE thus it's difficult in case of problems. userHeadPic mi_semion
2016-07-15 23:23:48 Hi

You can refer to the following link-Q2 of FAQ: ... FR0267#FAQ
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu