Forum >Problem my LP 4G/64Gb it'is bricked?

Problem my LP 4G/64Gb it'is bricked?

userHead antonio.luongo12 2016-11-23 12:28:40 4349 Views6 Replies
good evening
I apologize in advance for my poor English, are Italian.
on 13 November I received your order No. 76670 with my LP.
Before the ignition nancy is initializing the Windows startup, as almost all its functionality, I say almost because as soon as I rebooted the card I found myself in this situation: the lighted board with red led on but no signs on the monitor, mouse and keyboard off.
Thinking it was a power problem I replaced the power supply with a 3-A and unplugged everything from the card leaving it unplugged for a few minutes and only reconnected the HDMI monitor and the power supply, start the whole thing and the same scene, lights on, and display all the way black....
I decide to read on the forum and I find a reset procedure that I still to no avail, looking even on the official forums I found a guide to reflash the BIOS chip make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '(', '', '', ' class="postlink"') f = 6 & t = 386), cause seems to be the problem, but I confess I am a little reluctant to do so being new, I have also written to support the LP in the day on November 17 but to date I have had no response.
I wanted to know how to do to solve the problem because today my card and only an ornament full of chips and some light but it does not work.
2016-12-01 23:40:49 Hi
I've relied your post here:make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_LOCAL, '
', '', 'viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2359#p10460', ' class="postlink-local"')
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-11-30 23:56:43 I still have another problem, I have this monitor Lilliput 669GL-70NP/C make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '(', '', '', ' class="postlink"')) that I intend to use with LP but when i turn on the LP i do not see anything until Windows did not start, so I see all the startup and do not understand if there are errors or not, but if I use the TV I see everything perfectly :roll::o:?
does anyone know the cause? :shock::shock::shock:
userHeadPic antonio.luongo12
2016-11-30 18:20:39 :):) Great!! userHeadPic Wendy.Hu
2016-11-30 02:37:27 I am happy to write that with the reflash the bios the card works perfectly. :D:D:D:D userHeadPic antonio.luongo12
2016-11-30 02:37:07 sono felice di scrivere che con il reflash del bios la scheda funziona perfettamente. :D:D:D:D:D:D userHeadPic antonio.luongo12
2016-11-24 18:36:19 Hi Sir,

It sounds like there are some problems with the module.Please ship this board back for replacement.

You can go to your order page to apply the RMA, copy this link to the page would be better, then our store will help you to deal with the problem ASAP.

Any problem please let me know. :)
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu