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Bluno Mega 1280 to android app bluetooh connection issues

userHead Account cancelled 2016-12-09 03:13:50 2734 Views1 Replies
We were having a problem in connecting the Bluno Mega 1280 to the android app via bluetooth connection. We have tried the demo at this linkmake_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, ' ', 'https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/Bluno_SKU:DFR0267#Bluno_Basic_Demo', '', ' class="postlink"') and its able to connect the bluno to the android app provided. However, when we use a different android app from google play like Led Controller, the app doesn't connect to the bluno it says an error 515: not connected to a device. What might be the problem? Is the android app works only depending on the type of microcontroller unit especially on bluno types? Thank in advance.
2016-12-13 11:35:23 Hi Sir,

Sorry, so far, our bluno series product only support our own app, not support other app. But we can provide the demo source code for you for further development if you need. :)
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu