Forum >Bluno-Beetle, BLE-Commands from Atmega328p?
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Bluno-Beetle, BLE-Commands from Atmega328p?

userHead empty3teen 2017-01-18 13:59:21 3044 Views4 Replies
Can Beetle’s atmega328p be used to command the Beetle’s BLE? In other words, can Beetle’s atmega328p be used to change the Beetle’s BLE settings such as “AT+NAME” and “AT+PASSWORD”?

If so, how does the Beetle’s atmega328p put the BLE into “Enter AT mode”?

Thank You!
2017-01-26 06:10:45 Grey,
Thank you!
The sketch works for me on a DFR0351 board. So my problem is in my firmware.
userHeadPic empty3teen
2017-01-23 00:59:14 Hi Bob,

Yes, it does. Here is a similar application about reading RSSI value.make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '
', '', '', ' class="postlink"')
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2017-01-21 05:57:38 I am doing a “smart”-model-train-locomotive. The original Bluetooth-board I was using allowed the main-processor to control it. Just wondering if I will be able to access and control other model-train Bluetooth-controlled-items (such as turnouts) using the Beetle-board in my “smart”-locomotive. This allows the “smart”-locomotive firmware to be upgraded so that it can operate autonomously without a separate Bluetooth-train-layout-controller.
Thank You!
userHeadPic empty3teen
2017-01-20 23:51:18 Hi Sir,

May I know why do you want to do this? If you want to enter into AT mode, just connect to your PC, then open the monitor to set, everything will be ok. Or do you mean you want to control another BLE module into AT mode wirelessly?
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu