Forum >RMA my board

RMA my board

userHead antonio.luongo12 2017-02-07 04:58:02 2610 Views3 Replies
I would like to return my damaged due tab, as it does not work in any way and lattepanda not respond to my emails. I rely on you that you are more capable in user support.
Can you help me?

here is the link of the official forums:make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '
', '', '', ' class="postlink"')
2017-02-17 18:57:47 Hi

Please send email to our store directly:make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_EMAIL, ' ', '[email protected]', '', ''), It is best to include the following information:
Order ID: 76670
Ordered Date: 11/10/2016
Thank you.
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu
2017-02-16 06:23:23 I thank you for the answer, but I wanted to ask how to do since I have no orders in my account so I can not make returns through the normal procedure.
I fought back my order via e-mail that is this:
Order ID: 76670
Ordered Date: 11/10/2016

I await your response.
userHeadPic antonio.luongo12
2017-02-11 01:56:40 Hi

You can go to your order page to apply for RMA, our store will deal with your requirments ASAP. Or you can send emails to our store mail directly:make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_EMAIL, ' ', '[email protected]', '', '')
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu