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Digi XBee S1 Packet Analyzing

userHead czaroentoro 2013-03-22 00:21:39 9448 Views4 Replies
Hi, is there any way to analyze packets those being sent between 2 Digi XBee S1 (or) Digi XBee S2. If there is a way, how to do that? (Please give me at least some links for tutorial). Anyway, I only have Digi XBee S1 (two), USB Explorer v1.4 (one), Arduino UNO + XBee Shield. Are those tools enough? Or do I need more tool(s) to doing packet analysis?

Sorry for bad english :)
2013-03-25 14:26:40 I saw some interesting returns from google, but this might help:

What other people have done to get it into wireshark was to encapsulate it and convert it to Ethernet. I doubt it's going to be something to get done in a day.

How are you planning on doing this? It would be quite interesting to do some wireshark with xbees!  ;D
userHeadPic Jose
2013-03-22 12:15:52 Uhm, looks like misunderstanding  ;D. What I mean is, how to doing packet analysis like what I am doing in wireshark to analyze TCP (or) UDP packet over WiFi (or) wire. I already successful connecting both XBee (as tutorial that Phoebe suggest above). I want to analyze payload, delay, RTT, packet drops, etc. Is it possible? userHeadPic czaroentoro
2013-03-22 11:17:28 Hi,
You should set the same Serial baud rate of the two XBee.(usually the new xbee is 9600) Also, you can see the tutorial from Phoebe. The tutorial can teach you how to set the Serial baud rate. There are two test codes you can refer.  Download the two codes to Arduino UNO and XBee Shield separately. XBee Shield board can select Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmege 328 in Arduino 1.0.1.
notice:When you download code to board, you should take off the XBee. Then take on it after finish. And you should open two new windows to download codes.
//send code
void setup()
void loop()

//receive code
void setup()
void loop()

if test is succeed , you can see the same results from two serial monitors.
Hope you can succeed. I'm sorry for my poor English.  :)
userHeadPic Kimi Jiang
2013-03-22 10:13:49 Hi

Here is a tutorial, hope it is useful for you  ;D
https://sites.google.com/site/xbeetutor ... o-and-xbee
userHeadPic Phoebe