
DFR0299 Mini MP3 Player Speaker Connections

userHead geometrixeng 2020-02-11 22:17:37 2651 Views3 Replies
Dear Forum,

I am currently using a DFR0299 Mini MP3 Player in a project with a 5V Arduino Pro MIni.

I have carefully read thru the datasheet, and I am still confused about the difference between SPK1/SPK2 and DAC-R/DAC-L.

I get very clear sound from both SPK and DAC, but not very loud. So I increase the volume (by either pulsing the IO2 pin or by using the DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h library from Lisper). The sound still is not that loud. I have to put my ear up the speaker to hear the sound and it is very clear but very low volume.

I also purchased a PAM8403 ( ... UTF8&psc=1) on Amazon, but this distorts the sound to lots of scratchy noises.

I am using a 100 ohm resistor when using either SPK1 or SPK2.

2020-02-26 20:36:55 Thank you Nana Wang for your reply.

The speaker that I am using is 1.5W with 8 ohm impedance (SW200908-1 from DB Unlimited).

I have one more question. Can I mute SPK1/SPK2 independently of DAC-L/DAC-R? In other words, I want to use both headphones and speakers simultaneously, and I want to be able to mute the SPK1/SPK2 and/or the DAC-L/DAC-R.

Otherwise, I can use a transistor to turn the speakers on/off. I tried using a transistor (2N3904) to do this and placed a 100 ohm resistor between the SPK1 pin and the speaker. This reduced the volume greatly, so I replaced the 100 ohm with a 10 ohm resistor and it slightly improved. Without a resistor, the sound had a great deal of static.

Thank you,
userHeadPic geometrixeng