
DO Sensor and pH sensor interference

userHead borochief 2020-02-14 22:37:26 3146 Views4 Replies
So I tried setting up the Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and the PH Meter Pro and was able to get them working perfectly as long as I use one of them at the time.

But if I have the pH sensor and the DO sensor in the water at the same time, the pH sensor is unable to get any readings (prints 0 Volt in sample sketch).

I noticed that the DO sensor causes a voltage of 0.6V between arduino ground and the water (this seems to be why the pH sensor is unable to get any useful readings).
It disappears as soon as I remove the DO sensor from the water. The voltage is induced no matter if I'm actually taking samples from the DO sensor or if it's just idle inside the water.

How can I get both sensors to work in the same container?
2020-02-18 03:57:02 Thank you for the response. I assume just the Oxygen Sensor needs an Isolator and not the PH sensor, is that right? Or do I need two Isolators for both sensors? userHeadPic borochief