
about Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1 and Arduino Due

userHead Ribon Laurent 2020-03-04 19:42:03 5463 Views4 Replies
With the shield connected to Arduino Due, and power selection set to 3.3 V
All digital sensor must work with 3.3V ?

If I used servo external power Ex : 6V
Does it mean :
- All digital Pin vcc= 6V ?
- Can I connect a digital sensor which work with 3.3v or 5V in this case ?
- It's still compatible with Arduino Due ?

2020-03-09 07:42:54 Thank you very much userHeadPic Ribon Laurent
2020-03-05 18:04:44 Hi thank you for the response

I don't understand this :
"Although the input voltage is 6V, the voltage output to sensors is 3.3v."

Digital sensor output share same pin than servo. How could it be possible that servo power are in 6V and sensors are in 3.3v.

Thank you
userHeadPic Ribon Laurent