
Can't upload sketch on a DFRobot with W5500 POE, USB port keeps changing

userHead chris.clemson 2020-04-07 01:11:43 4047 Views6 Replies
I am trying to upload my first program to this board (W5500 Ethernet with POE Mainboard V2.0), and it fails.
I get the following output:
Code: Select all
Warning: platform.txt from core 'DFRobot Boards' contains deprecated"{compiler.path}{}" {} "{build.path}/{archive_file}" "{object_file}", automatically converted to"{compiler.path}{}" {} "{archive_file_path}" "{object_file}". Consider upgrading this core.
Sketch uses 15036 bytes (26%) of program storage space. Maximum is 56320 bytes.
ioctl("TIOCMSET"): Broken pipe
ioctl("TIOCMSET"): Broken pipe
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
This may be because the serial port keeps changing from ttyACM0 to ttyACM1.
I have tried this on both OpenSUSE tumbleweed and Ubuntu 19.10 with Arduino 1.8.12 IDE.
I have tried writing udev rules to make it choose a specific tty device, but that doesn't seem to work in the Arduino IDE.
I also have z-uno and Arduino UNO v3, and both work without problems.

Could someone help me with this please?
2020-05-04 18:56:43 Thank you Nana,
I will try this over the next few days.
userHeadPic chris.clemson
2020-04-20 05:19:12 Thank you for the reply, and sorry for the delay, I have not had chance to do anything more with it until now.
Please can you give me a link for the wiki in what to check?
There's nothing obvious on this page: ... U__DFR0342

I have been able to configure arduino UNOs on the same machine without problems, so it can't be a serial port permission problem


userHeadPic chris.clemson
2020-04-08 08:19:47 Hi Nana,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I also tried in Arduino IDE 1.6.13 with the same problems.
Here is the verbose upload output if it helps:

Arduino: 1.6.13 (Linux), Board: "DFRduino M0 MainBoard"
Code: Select all
WARNING: Category '' in library EEPROM is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'
Warning: platform.txt from core 'DFRobot Boards' contains deprecated"{compiler.path}{}" {} "{build.path}/{archive_file}" "{object_file}", automatically converted to"{compiler.path}{}" {} "{archive_file_path}" "{object_file}". Consider upgrading this core.

Sketch uses 15,036 bytes (26%) of program storage space. Maximum is 56,320 bytes.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port /dev/ttyACM2
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM2, /dev/ttyS1, } / {/dev/ttyS1, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyS1, } / {/dev/ttyS1, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyS1, } / {/dev/ttyACM1, /dev/ttyS1, } => {/dev/ttyACM1, }
Found upload port: /dev/ttyACM1
/home/xxxxxx/arduino-1.6.13/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/home/xxxxxx/arduino-1.6.13/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -pATmega2560 -cwiring -P/dev/ttyACM1 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/tmp/arduino_build_4071/DistanceSensor-DFRobot.ino.hex:i 

avrdude: Version 6.3, compiled on Sep 12 2016 at 15:21:49
         Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean,
         Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Joerg Wunsch

         System wide configuration file is "/home/xxxxxx/arduino-1.6.13/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"
         User configuration file is "/home/xxxxxx/.avrduderc"
         User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping

         Using Port                    : /dev/ttyACM1
         Using Programmer              : wiring
         Overriding Baud Rate          : 115200
ioctl("TIOCMSET"): Broken pipe
ioctl("TIOCMSET"): Broken pipe
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
It looks like the changing USB port is to be expected at least...
userHeadPic chris.clemson