
Gravity I2C VEML7700 returning 0 lux

userHead huguesdecourson 2020-04-08 16:29:40 4241 Views6 Replies

I'm working on a project of a datalogger with multi-sensor.

Actually I have :

- A DFRduino UNO V3 with an expansion shield v7
- A RTC module (SD2405) connected in I2C
- The Gravity I2C VEML 7700 sensor also connected in I2C

After I will add :

- A temperature sensor
- An analogic ambient sound sensor
- A SD card to record all the data in a csv file.

I teste all sensor one by one and everything is working fine except for the Gravity I2C VEML 7700.

I used the code provided in the wiki but it is returning "0 lux" even if I change luminosity.
The device is welle recognized on the I2C (controlled by using a I2C scan) and I didn't noticed any other bug (except bug for downloading the sketch which looks very common).

Can I you please help me ? Have I a way to know if the sensor is not broken ?

Thanks a lot in advance for you answer.

2020-08-25 20:51:03 Hi!

I have the same problem. I have tested it with 3 differents Lightsensors, and still "ovf" lx.
I try to copy your code, but nothing work.

Is thath workinf for you now?

userHeadPic valentinlahaye
2020-05-30 15:28:28 Hi, thank you for your answer.
As you said the error was related to a broken sensor I tried to buy a new one. But the issue is stil remaining ... I think it is related to the library but I'm not able to found the coding error. Maybe you have an idea ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
userHeadPic huguesdecourson