
Quad Motor Sheild ( DRI0039) driving the 2 motors on the Black Gladiator

userHead Account cancelled 2020-04-20 16:06:11 2165 Views1 Replies
Hey all,

So this is my 1st actual project with my Arduino Uno. I'm still very new to this, so bare with me.
Using the Pixy2 cam (with Pan/tilt) with the Arduino (uno) to control the motor shield (DRI0039) but only using the 2 motors that come with the Black Gladiator (SKU:ROB0153) to chase objects. I'm using the 3.7 V. battery pack that came with the body.

I'm looking to see if there is a library I need to use for the Quad Motor Shield (DRI0039). If so, where would I find it? Also does it matter which connection I make on the Motor Shield to the motors? I was looking at the board overview, and thinking I should use 1 and 4, for fast reverse and fast movement forward. Am I right?

Has anyone made this project yet? Would anyone be willing to share their code break down with me?
Thanks to MakerA (DF Robot name. DIY Builder on YouTube) for uploading his project, Blue tooth tracked vehicle. I've been following his path on this project
Thanks very much for reading this and for any help you may give.


J.M. Lovejoy