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2 Beetle (1Sender/1Receiver over Bluetooth) and TX/RX

userHead space1 2020-04-27 06:23:59 4492 Views4 Replies
Before I order a bunch of Beetles i would like to know if the following works.

1x Beetle BLE with Temperatur Sensor D18B20 inside full Metalbody HubMotor of Scooter (but distance to Receiver only 1m)
Send Temperature to Receiver via Bluetooth, nothing else.

1xBeetle BLE with IC2 Display (SSD1306AsciiWire.h), Buzzer, connected to a Scooter Controller over TX/RX Pads
Sketch without Bluetooth 20'000 bytes (63%), Variables 680bytes (32%) on Arduino Mini Pro which will be replaced with Beetle BLE
Receive Temperature from Sender via Bluetooth

Do i need any libraries for sending/receiving Data over Bluetooth?
Or is it just done with?
Serial.write(Temp); //send Temp; //read Temp

Communication with Scooter Controller:

#define XIAOMI_PORT Serial
#define RX_DISABLE UCSR0B &= ~_BV(RXEN0);
#define RX_ENABLE UCSR0B |= _BV(RXEN0);
void setup() {

The 2nd Communcation will be a problem, because it is serial also?
If yes, is there any solution/library for BLE communcation solution?
Are the TX/RX pads not useable?
But they are linked/used when connected to PC via USB too, then it should work too for this, or is BLE disabled when conntected via USB?

I'm a little bit confused.
Thanx for any clarification
2020-04-27 19:53:21 Thanks.
Means this, that my idea does not work?
userHeadPic space1