
New to IoT and the OBLOQ module

userHead mygod456 2020-05-01 13:45:26 2506 Views3 Replies

I'm new to IoT and DFRobot. I intend to build an air quality monitor on Arduino platform using solely Gravity sensors with the IO Expansion Shield v7.1. I came across the OBLOQ module based on ESP8266 and the ESP8266 Wifi Bee but I have a few questions. Believe that the Wifi bee can be connected to the Xbee slot on the expansion shield right.

I have a number of IoT questions too. Correct me if I am wrong. The OBLOQ module will primarily be for DFRobot Easy IoT platform with OBLOQ external libraries while the Wifi bee can be used for other IoT platform like Ubidots with their own external libraries? Which is recommended?

Thank you!
2020-05-06 18:29:40 Thanks. I would like to add that since I intend to use the Gravity Laser PM2.5 Sensor which when connected to the expansion shield, occupies the middle. Then the WiFi Bee wouldn't be suitable. userHeadPic mygod456