Forum >BlunoBasic Demo - Any Android App Developers Interested?
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BlunoBasic Demo - Any Android App Developers Interested?

userHead empty3teen 2017-05-12 06:55:43 2468 Views2 Replies
Looking for someone to develop an open-source Bluetooth-Android-App for OS-DBTC-BlueTrain3. OS-DBTC is an Open-Source-Direct-Bluetooth-Train-Control for model trains. BlueTrain3 is smart-programmable locomotive-controller using a BLE-Beetle-board. I am doing the Beetle-firmware and expect to have a working BlueTrain3 Loco in couple of months. There is a detailed Interface Specification and a working control program called BlueCmd. BlueCmd is a moderately complex C++-Win32-PC-program. The baseline for the App can be found here:

OS-DBTC-BlueTrain3 information is here:
Thank You!
2022-02-10 09:34:32
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userHeadPic williamclarks111111
2021-11-04 03:46:50 Hello. I can help you with the search. I myself recently found a great company that just helped me develop an application for my project. And ecommerce solutions company is also one of the important advantages. For businesses that want to create or improve their commercial platforms, a dedicated ecommerce team will bring your vision to life and help you optimize your technology stack. userHeadPic germanypost01