
XBee Shield for Arduino DFR0015 with Wifi Bee (Arduino Compatible) TEL0092 not working

userHead paul.schulinck 2020-05-12 04:58:11 2874 Views4 Replies
recently I bought the DFROBOT products: Xbee Shield for Arduino no XBee, SKU: DFR0015 and the Wifi Bee (Arduino compatible) SKU: TEL0092. I connected the Wifi Bee onto the XBee Shield. Then I connected this combination onto a genuine Arduino MEGA 2560 board. I use a desktop PC with MS Windows 10 Pro installed. I use the Arduino IDE 1.8.12. Arduino boards software: Arduino AVR Boards version 1.8.2 and Arduino megaAVR Boards version 1.8.1 installed. Library: ESP8266, example "ConnectAP.ino". In the sketch I don't use the Software serial option because the MEGA 2560 board has 3 serial entries. I use "Serial1". Communication between the Arduino MEGA and the DFROBOT items described above, after initial upload, is via a genuine FTDI USB-TTL 3V3 converter cable. The TX pin of FTDI connected to PIN 19 of the Arduino 2560 and the RX pin of the FTDI cable conntect to PIN 18 of the Arduino 2560. Baudrate set to 115200 baud. Uploading/compiling the sketch gives no problem, no error(s). After upload, I set the switch PROG/RUN in the position: "RUN"; the switch USB/XBEE in "XBEE"; the switch BOOT-UART in "BOOT". As SSID and Password I entered in the sketch the SSID and Password of the router with Wifi from my internet provider that is installed in my house. When running the sketch there is no output to the Monitor window (connected to COM8, the COM-port of my FTDI converter cable). Even utilities like CoolTerm or XCTU are not showing responses on AT-commands to the Wifi Bee. Neither XCTU or my iPhone "see" a radio (Wifi) transmission of the DFROBOT "Wifi Bee ESP V1.0".
I am qualifying myself as a very experienced PC user/computer programmer. I have many years of experience installing and maintaining computer hardware; writing/debugging software. I had my 1st "PC" in 1977, an Apple ][.
Any advice is welcome,
Thank you.
2020-05-15 21:50:21 Thank you for your reply. I followed all the steps you described. I also bought another type of USB-to-TTL converter (TL232RL). Various serial tests reveal that the serial communication works OK. But with the "ConnectAP" sketch CoolTerm window is receiving "connect Fail". userHeadPic paul.schulinck