two algorithms simultaneously in huskeylens with microbit.

userHead anonymous 2020-04-16 21:30:08 5215 Views6 Replies
Can i run two algorithms ( line tracking and object detection ) simultaneously in huskylens with microbit
2020-12-29 00:44:42 Hi has there been any update on the postponement of the ability to use multiple algorithms (for ex: facial recognition & gesture recognition) simultaneously? Is there a potential available date for this feature? We have bought quite a lot of units in hopes that this feature might be available soon. Would appreciate any update that can be provided. Thank you. userHeadPic aboss18
2020-09-27 02:19:10 Hi Nana,
Has the "multiple simultaneaous algorithms" been released?
THanks in advance
userHeadPic adumont
2020-04-23 03:26:24 Kindly update the feature as soon as possible. we are buying multiple units of huskylens and developing AI based car projects. Expecting more technical update from your end. Thankyou. userHeadPic anonymous
2020-04-18 13:38:59 i selected learn multiple in line tracking. But it is not detecting a tag while it is on line tracking function.
can you please help.
userHeadPic anonymous