
Fritzing updated library

userHead Account cancelled 2020-06-06 17:20:21 9331 Views2 Replies
Hi, Are there any plans to provide an updated DFRobot Library for Fritzing?. I am trying to use this for a DFR0339 bluno beetle v1.1, Fit0449 digital speaker module, Beetle shield DFR0356, Usb Charger DFR0564.
2022-10-27 06:51:31

It's now 2022 and I still can't find a library for DFRobot parts. Fritzing is not an immature product. I used it 3 years ago and it was excellent then. It is better now. 


Is there now a plan to release an updated fritzing library for DFRobot parts?


userHeadPic Mike.Hansell