
URM06 ANALOG doesn't work with WEMOS D1 R1

userHead Account cancelled 2020-06-13 00:15:40 1004 Views1 Replies

When I upload my sketch (based on the example code of the URM06, combined with LCD display) on my Arduino UNO everything works fine.

Before I used the URM06, I used another instable ultrasonic sensor on my Wemos D1 R1 and passed the values (after some calculations) to Blynk. That worked also fine. (except for the instable measurements of the cheap sensor).

When I combine my 2 sketches, I don't get any correct measurements of the URM06 connected to A0 and D2.
This sketch works perfect on the UNO but not on the WEMOS D1R1.
Can someone help me out. There must be something different between the 2 boards but after hours of searching I can't find how to get the sensor working on Wemos D1R1.