
DC Motor Driver HAT for Raspberry Pi: No power to motors..

userHead macgeoffrey123 2020-06-18 00:21:16 6082 Views19 Replies
Hey there! I've been trying all day to get your demo code to run for the DC Motor Hat on my Raspberry Pi Model A. I have I2C enabled, and the code runs, but I'm getting no actual power to the motors. I've tried with and without external power, but still nothing. What am I doing wrong?

The code is from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Motor repository, and I'm trying to run the library. I've got two DC Motors plugged in (no encoders) and I've updated the demo file to disable encoders.
2020-06-26 01:08:24 How do I do that? Is there a command I can run? Thanks userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-26 01:08:24 How do I do that? Is there a command I can run? Thanks userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-23 09:10:44 I've confirmed the voltage of the motor to be between 6 and 9V. I'm currently supplying 9V, at 1.76A. There's no voltage measured across the motor screw terminals when I run the demo code. userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-23 09:10:44 I've confirmed the voltage of the motor to be between 6 and 9V. I'm currently supplying 9V, at 1.76A. There's no voltage measured across the motor screw terminals when I run the demo code. userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-20 01:09:24 Hi! yes, my code is currently this:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# Connect board with raspberryPi.
# Make board power and motor connection correct.
# Run this demo.
# Motor 1 will move slow to fast, orientation clockwise,
# motor 2 will move fast to slow, orientation count-clockwise,
# then fast to stop. loop in few seconds.
# Motor speed will print on terminal
# test motor:
# Copyright [DFRobot](, 2016
# Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License
# version V1.0
# date 2019-3-26

import time

from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_DC_Motor import DFRobot_DC_Motor_IIC as Board

board = Board(1, 0x10) # Select bus 1, set address to 0x10

def board_detect():
l = board.detecte()
print("Board list conform:")

''' print last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
def print_board_status():
if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
print("board status: everything ok")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR:
print("board status: unexpected error")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED:
print("board status: device not detected")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_PARAMETER:
print("board status: parameter error, last operate no effective")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SOFT_VERSION:
print("board status: unsupport board framware version")

if __name__ == "__main__":

board_detect() # If you forget address you had set, use this to detected them, must have class instance

# Set board controler address, use it carefully, reboot module to make it effective
if board.last_operate_status != board.STA_OK:
print("set board address faild")
print("set board address success")

while board.begin() != board.STA_OK: # Board begin and check board status
print("board begin faild")
print("board begin success")

# board.set_encoder_enable(board.ALL) # Set selected DC motor encoder enable
board.set_encoder_disable(board.ALL) # Set selected DC motor encoder disable
board.set_encoder_reduction_ratio(board.ALL, 43) # Set selected DC motor encoder reduction ratio, test motor reduction ratio is 43.8

board.set_moter_pwm_frequency(1000) # Set DC motor pwm frequency to 1000HZ

while True:
for duty in range(5, 95, 10): # slow to fast
board.motor_movement([board.M1], board.CW, duty) # DC motor 1 movement, orientation clockwise
board.motor_movement([board.M2], board.CCW, duty) # DC motor 2 movement, orientation count-clockwise
speed = board.get_encoder_speed(board.ALL) # Use boadrd.all to get all encoders speed
print("duty: %d, M1 encoder speed: %d rpm, M2 encoder speed %d rpm" %(duty, speed[0], speed[1]))

for duty in range(95, 5, - 10): # fast to low
board.motor_movement([board.M1], board.CW, duty) # DC motor 1 movement, orientation clockwise
board.motor_movement([board.M2], board.CCW, duty) # DC motor 2 movement, orientation count-clockwise
speed = board.get_encoder_speed(board.ALL) # Use boadrd.all to get all encoders speed
print("duty: %d, M1 encoder speed: %d rpm, M2 encoder speed %d rpm" %(duty, speed[0], speed[1]))

print("stop all motor")
board.motor_stop(board.ALL) # stop all DC motor

I've currently wired up two regular DC motors to the M1 and M2 negative and positive terminals. I've tried running the code with and without external power. The Raspberry Pi is on 5V, and I was using a 9V Battery as the external power supply.
userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-20 01:09:24 Hi! yes, my code is currently this:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# Connect board with raspberryPi.
# Make board power and motor connection correct.
# Run this demo.
# Motor 1 will move slow to fast, orientation clockwise,
# motor 2 will move fast to slow, orientation count-clockwise,
# then fast to stop. loop in few seconds.
# Motor speed will print on terminal
# test motor:
# Copyright [DFRobot](, 2016
# Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License
# version V1.0
# date 2019-3-26

import time

from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_DC_Motor import DFRobot_DC_Motor_IIC as Board

board = Board(1, 0x10) # Select bus 1, set address to 0x10

def board_detect():
l = board.detecte()
print("Board list conform:")

''' print last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
def print_board_status():
if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
print("board status: everything ok")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR:
print("board status: unexpected error")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED:
print("board status: device not detected")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_PARAMETER:
print("board status: parameter error, last operate no effective")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SOFT_VERSION:
print("board status: unsupport board framware version")

if __name__ == "__main__":

board_detect() # If you forget address you had set, use this to detected them, must have class instance

# Set board controler address, use it carefully, reboot module to make it effective
if board.last_operate_status != board.STA_OK:
print("set board address faild")
print("set board address success")

while board.begin() != board.STA_OK: # Board begin and check board status
print("board begin faild")
print("board begin success")

# board.set_encoder_enable(board.ALL) # Set selected DC motor encoder enable
board.set_encoder_disable(board.ALL) # Set selected DC motor encoder disable
board.set_encoder_reduction_ratio(board.ALL, 43) # Set selected DC motor encoder reduction ratio, test motor reduction ratio is 43.8

board.set_moter_pwm_frequency(1000) # Set DC motor pwm frequency to 1000HZ

while True:
for duty in range(5, 95, 10): # slow to fast
board.motor_movement([board.M1], board.CW, duty) # DC motor 1 movement, orientation clockwise
board.motor_movement([board.M2], board.CCW, duty) # DC motor 2 movement, orientation count-clockwise
speed = board.get_encoder_speed(board.ALL) # Use boadrd.all to get all encoders speed
print("duty: %d, M1 encoder speed: %d rpm, M2 encoder speed %d rpm" %(duty, speed[0], speed[1]))

for duty in range(95, 5, - 10): # fast to low
board.motor_movement([board.M1], board.CW, duty) # DC motor 1 movement, orientation clockwise
board.motor_movement([board.M2], board.CCW, duty) # DC motor 2 movement, orientation count-clockwise
speed = board.get_encoder_speed(board.ALL) # Use boadrd.all to get all encoders speed
print("duty: %d, M1 encoder speed: %d rpm, M2 encoder speed %d rpm" %(duty, speed[0], speed[1]))

print("stop all motor")
board.motor_stop(board.ALL) # stop all DC motor

I've currently wired up two regular DC motors to the M1 and M2 negative and positive terminals. I've tried running the code with and without external power. The Raspberry Pi is on 5V, and I was using a 9V Battery as the external power supply.
userHeadPic macgeoffrey123
2020-06-18 00:21:16 Hey there! I've been trying all day to get your demo code to run for the DC Motor Hat on my Raspberry Pi Model A. I have I2C enabled, and the code runs, but I'm getting no actual power to the motors. I've tried with and without external power, but still nothing. What am I doing wrong?

The code is from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Motor repository, and I'm trying to run the library. I've got two DC Motors plugged in (no encoders) and I've updated the demo file to disable encoders.
userHeadPic macgeoffrey123