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DFRobot Rover w/XBEE

userHead roberliu 2012-12-02 07:17:52 8927 Views6 Replies
Hello Everyone,

Goal: I am trying to communicate two arduino uno boards wirelessly. One arduino uno is integrated into the rover and another arduino uno is used as a controller.

1. I am unable to get the controller arduino to transmit to the DF robot XBEE shield. The Rx LED on the XBEE shield does not flash. However the TX LED on the arduino uno controller LED is lit continuously.

Hardware connection:
Arduino Uno 5V-->XBEE shield 5V
Aduino Uno GND --> XBEE shield GND
Aduino Uno RX --> XBEE shield TX
Arduino Uno TX --> XBEE shield RX

Software code:
void setup(){
void loop(){

2. I don't understand how to use the XBEE on the DFRobot Rover. I see there is a slot for the XBEE on the rover. I put it there but how do I communicate to the XBEE to transmit wirelessly?
2012-12-31 13:54:43 Hi Roberliu,

http://www.dfrobot.com/image/data/DFR01 ... %20SCH.pdf
I just checked the schematic of the xbee adapter. According to the schematic the red cable you wired to the Xbee adapter is connected to DIN pin of the Xbee module. So in the Arduino/Rover side, you could connect the red cable to the D1 pin.
1. So have you tried to swap the wiring for the TTL pins on your Rover and Xbee module?
2. Have you checked the hardware problem of the xbee adapter? Does it work properly with the mini usb cable?
3. On the other hand, I tried to connect the xbee adapter to my wearable system also. But the system voltage is 3.3v so I directly solder the DIN & DOUT pins of the xbee module socket to the controller and it works fine.
userHeadPic Lauren
2012-12-30 11:29:15 Has anyone used the XBEE and have any suggestions? userHeadPic roberliu
2012-12-14 11:14:29 Hello Lauren,

I feel lost getting this to work. I attached an image my setup and below is the code I used. Can you give me a step by step process to follow? I feel like I should see the Rx LED flashing on the XBEE usb adapter.

void setup(){
void loop(){
userHeadPic roberliu
2012-12-10 13:58:28 1. The easiest way to configure the Xbee modules is to set them to the default setting. It should work fine on a pair of xbee s1 modules.

2. If using the Xbee adapter from DFRobot or some similar products, it shouldn't cause some problems for you when connecting the xbee to the adapter. Directly plugin xbee to it. Don't worry about the DTR pins. It's just useful when you make the xbee adapter work as a USB to TTL converter for other devices.

userHeadPic Lauren
2012-12-09 05:35:23 Hello Lauren,

Thank you for your help but I am still a little confused. How do I configure the XBEE's?

I am also unsure if I am using the xbee usb adapter correctly. Is there a datasheet for it? Perhaps I am connecting the XBEE onto the usb adapter incorrectly? I haven't been using the DTR pin on the adapter either, what does it do?

userHeadPic roberliu
2012-12-04 18:36:59 Hi,

1. My suggestion is that you can use 2 xbee configured with the serial port at the same time. And then test the communication via the 2 usb ports also. Confirm the setting for the xbee is correct. Then test the xbee on the Arduino.

2. When transmitting commands, you need to add a delay or use a timer to manage the transmitting freshrate. For example,
Code: Select all

void loop(){
In this way, the xbee communication won't be blocked.
userHeadPic Lauren