
Sim7000e Hardware Serial

userHead kasem.b 2020-07-27 11:14:17 2464 Views19 Replies
Hi all,
Been trying to convert the Sim7000e shield from software serial to hardware and struggling.
Im using a Arduino mega, so for software serial pins 8 & 10 are bridged with RX, does anyone know why?
I want to wire it up using the UART connector on the shield, does the software serial switch need to be in a particular position for this?
If anyone has a working sketch or pinout for the shield that would be great.

2020-09-28 17:05:32 I have the same problem. It is still not resolved. userHeadPic beverlyfer32
2020-09-28 17:05:32 I have the same problem. It is still not resolved. userHeadPic beverlyfer32
2020-09-12 15:45:43 Thanks I am using the shield in a similar way, and have it working well.

I am about to start building another shield to stack on top, and have checked the hardware design file schematic. Is there a pin on the shield for measuring vbat? is supplied by a regulated 3.6V so its not particularly useful but im curious as I don't want a pin conflict when I stack the shields

Cheers :)
userHeadPic will.aked
2020-09-12 15:45:43 Thanks I am using the shield in a similar way, and have it working well.

I am about to start building another shield to stack on top, and have checked the hardware design file schematic. Is there a pin on the shield for measuring vbat? is supplied by a regulated 3.6V so its not particularly useful but im curious as I don't want a pin conflict when I stack the shields

Cheers :)
userHeadPic will.aked
2020-09-01 15:13:26 I have the above sketch working without the echo.
My issue was that I am unable to power the board unless it is used as a hat on my mega. I have tried wiring the 5v and ground to the hat from the Arduino but it doesn't power up, at all.
While using the hat I bridged 0 &1 on the hat to 18 & 19 on the mega. I believe the echo was due to interference from having both 0 & 1 on the hat linked to D0,D1,D18,D19 on the mega.

From here, should I go through the software serial library + examples and work out the correct AT commands to get it to connect to the internet and be ready during the void setup?
userHeadPic will.aked
2020-09-01 15:13:26 I have the above sketch working without the echo.
My issue was that I am unable to power the board unless it is used as a hat on my mega. I have tried wiring the 5v and ground to the hat from the Arduino but it doesn't power up, at all.
While using the hat I bridged 0 &1 on the hat to 18 & 19 on the mega. I believe the echo was due to interference from having both 0 & 1 on the hat linked to D0,D1,D18,D19 on the mega.

From here, should I go through the software serial library + examples and work out the correct AT commands to get it to connect to the internet and be ready during the void setup?
userHeadPic will.aked
2020-08-31 15:13:30 any ideas on how to stop the echoing? userHeadPic will.aked
2020-08-31 15:13:30 any ideas on how to stop the echoing? userHeadPic will.aked
2020-08-31 13:48:28 I'm using SIM7600CE and Arrduino Mega, but the idea should also be similar...

Instead of connecting TX and RX on the SIM to gate digital 15 or 16, I plug them to the RX and TX on the Arduino (So SIM RX --> TX3 and TX --> RX3, there are also "D14" and "D15" after the TX3 and RX3). Then, in the void setup(), I have Serial.begin(115200) and Serial3.begin(115200). It works so far (with regards to send SMS, not sure if these can be used to connect to the Internet, but it should be able to do so)
userHeadPic lehoang96
2020-08-31 13:48:28 I'm using SIM7600CE and Arrduino Mega, but the idea should also be similar...

Instead of connecting TX and RX on the SIM to gate digital 15 or 16, I plug them to the RX and TX on the Arduino (So SIM RX --> TX3 and TX --> RX3, there are also "D14" and "D15" after the TX3 and RX3). Then, in the void setup(), I have Serial.begin(115200) and Serial3.begin(115200). It works so far (with regards to send SMS, not sure if these can be used to connect to the Internet, but it should be able to do so)
userHeadPic lehoang96
2020-08-31 10:11:29 Hi,

After completing the above, the serial was garbled. I reduced the baudrate to 19200 and it cleared up. However if I send AT it responds OK then continues to repeat and not stop. It does this with all commands, so im close but the serial listen code needs to be modified to stop the echo.

Can you point me in the right direction?

userHeadPic will.aked
2020-08-31 10:11:29 Hi,

After completing the above, the serial was garbled. I reduced the baudrate to 19200 and it cleared up. However if I send AT it responds OK then continues to repeat and not stop. It does this with all commands, so im close but the serial listen code needs to be modified to stop the echo.

Can you point me in the right direction?

userHeadPic will.aked
2020-07-27 11:14:17 Hi all,
Been trying to convert the Sim7000e shield from software serial to hardware and struggling.
Im using a Arduino mega, so for software serial pins 8 & 10 are bridged with RX, does anyone know why?
I want to wire it up using the UART connector on the shield, does the software serial switch need to be in a particular position for this?
If anyone has a working sketch or pinout for the shield that would be great.

userHeadPic kasem.b