
9x A02YYUW Waterproof ultrasonic sensor interference

userHead teampredatorgermany 2020-07-29 21:04:21 2056 Views7 Replies

I'm trying to connect multiple A02YYUW ultrasonic sensors (9 pieces) on 70cm platform but I'm facing interference issue. I'm able to read them at same time via 9 HW serial ports, but I'm getting reflection from other sensors quite often.
This sensor is controlled via serial port RX/TX, so I'm curious if there is any possibility to change frequency or some other settings like when to start firing or how long to wait for reflection etc. so i can try to fix it somehow.

Thank you for any help.

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2021-01-20 18:17:58 DFRobot has some ultrasonic sensors with a blind area of less than 20cm, but the price may be more expensive, and the use of MOSFET may only be suitable for two sensors, which may not meet your requirements userHeadPic 347945801
2021-01-20 15:15:31 Hi

Did you resolve this?

I'm considering this module for a vehicle with 3 front facing, and 3 rear facing. Initially I was looking to JSN-SR04T however I need to be able to sense nearer than the 28cm blind zone.

Could you achieve what you want by controlling the power via MOSFETs and only energising those you want to talk to in turn?

Thanks, Geoff
userHeadPic Steele Geoff
2020-08-07 22:35:45 Hi, thanks for answer. I'm using teensy 3.6 board with 6 HW serial ports, so I was planning to use two boards( i did test with 6 sensors and one board now). I'm ok with refresh around 3-5 per second, so triggering only odd sensors and then even can do the job maybe. But i don't know how to control sensor triggering, when i read from them, they keep firing unless i disconnect power. But to start reading again took around 800ms. userHeadPic teampredatorgermany
2020-08-03 00:01:01 Hi,

thanks for answer. So how to run it one by one? When I power on sensor, it will start firing immediately.

userHeadPic teampredatorgermany