
BMX160 + BMP388 10DOF IMU

userHead serhatsoyer 2020-08-25 15:10:20 1371 Views2 Replies

I have got a "BMX160 + BMP388 10DOF IMU" module and I have faced a couple of issues about using it. First, let me share what I want to do with this module:

1. I want to connect this module to an Arduino Micro.
2. I want to be able to set the sensitivities of the gyros, the accelerometers, the magnetometers and the barometer.
3. I want to be able to set the sampling frequencies of the gyros, the accelerometers, the magnetometers and the barometer.
4. I want to read all of 10 sensor outputs with the desired resolution and the sampling frequency simultaneously.

That simple. I have downloaded and set up the BMX160 and BMP388 Arduino libraries. I have connected the module via the provided socket and cables to an Arduino UNO. I have read the BMX160 sensor data using the example file "readAllData". Now, here are my questions:

1. There are 3 possible connections (1: +, -, C, D; 2: SDA, SCL, GND, VCC; 3: CSB2, INT2, INT3, CSB1, INT1) to the module. Which one should I use? What are their uses for?
2. Even if "setGyroRange" and "setAccelRange" methods are provided, there is no method provided for magnetometers in the example file "readAllData" or in the "DFRobot_BMX160.cpp" file. How can I set the sensitivity of the magnetometers?
3. When I read data with "readAllData", I do not see the decimal points. For example, the acceleration is either 9 or 10. There is no 9.5. I mean, the resolution is always 1, independent of the sensitivity value that has been set. Why is that so? How can I change this behaviour? Also, what is the relation between the resolution and the sensitivity for this module.
4. I could not find any methods in the examples to change the sampling frequencies. How can I set them?
5. Can I read both 9DOF data and the barometer data simultaneously?
6. The unit of the gyro output data has been given as "g". What does it mean?
7. Can I use the module to accomplish what I want to do without these libraries? Is it easy?

I know, there are lots of questions. But, I could not find enough documentation such as datasheets or examples even in this forum. So the answers would be very beneficial not just for me, but for the future users of the module, too.

Thanks in advance,
2020-08-26 21:56:24 Hello again,

First of all, a gyro does not measure acceleration. Rather, it measures angular velocity. Acceleration is measured by the accelerometers. 'g' is a common unit for accelerometers. 'degrees per second' or 'radians per second' are examples for the unit of a gyro.

I have already implemented the wiki tutorial. My questions were related to the missing parts of it. I could not get even one clear answer. Sorry. Still, thanks for your effort.
userHeadPic serhatsoyer