
DFR0672 - Smart Cooling Hat For Raspberry Pi

userHead Account cancelled 2020-08-27 01:52:53 1257 Views1 Replies
Hi All,

So I purchased 3x Cooling Units and had great success installing it on my Pi 4B board, but couldn't get them to work on my Pi 3 (v1.2) or Pi 3B+ (2017).

According to DFRobot's website ( ... KU_DFR0672), it states that is will work with "Pi 4B/3B+/3B" boards.

If this is true. I'd like someone to explain why I am able to follow instructions to the letter and get it to work on my Pi 4 board but not either of the Pi 3 boards. And yes, the I2C is enabled on all boards and I performed a GPIO -v and GPIO readall to see all the GPIO pins on the board and their assignments.

I also installed "( ... #i2c-on-pi) i2c tools.

All indications are that the I2C is functioning but the test results show no i2c devices are listed. Just a series of dashes (--) for addresses.

Appreciate it if someone can help to get these cooling hats to run on my Pi 3 boards or list them as Pi 4 units only.

Doug W