
Another DFPlayer Mini Noise Post (I have 1k already on Rx Tx)

userHead Account cancelled 2020-09-24 06:39:36 852 Views0 Replies

Hi Everyone, 

I am trying to troubleshoot noise I am getting on the DFPlayer. The noise seems to be consistent regardless of how well I try to clean up noise from other parts of the circuit. 

This is my PCB, I have two power sources coming 1 from a buck converter to the arduino the other to a 7805 regulator to the DFPlayer. (I have a 1n4001 diode as well and the DFPlayer should be seeing 4.8V)

I have 1k resistors for the Rx Tx connections but nothing for the busy pin. I have also tried 470Ohm - 4.7kOhms, I get the same problem for all of them, the noise I hear is basically the same as I would without the resister, just much fainter. But its very noticeable when the track I am playing is low volume sections. I am trying to completely remove the noise but I cant every seem to get rid of it. I am using the DAC outputs as you can see but i've tried using the speaker ones as well and it still has a noticeable buzz, I have tried running a 100uF - 1000uF for it as well and it did nothing. I rearranged the grounds and still have the problem.

Note I have around 60 neopixel or other LEDs in the circuit but even when they are off I still get the noise, and I did add passive filtering on all of them.
Looking for help. 


I was wonder