
WIRELESS GAMEPAD V2.0 , Confusion about XBEE Pin mapping --> Softwareserial

userHead marc.rupprath 2020-09-25 19:38:44 956 Views1 Replies
Hello all,
a got lost identifiing usefull pins located at XBEE Header for use with softwareserial.

I have dificulties finding the "Arduino pin names" for all pins attached to the xbee headers.
Does some one give a simple pinmap table that displays wish XBEE header pin (1..20) is attached to the Arduino leonardo pin with Arduino pin name,

XBEE Arduino
Pin 1 --> ?
Pin 20

Thanks in advance
2020-10-15 10:44:17 Hi there,

I think this photo can help you.
userHeadPic nhyhello