
DFR0534 Gravity Voice Module Power Consumption Management?

userHead Account cancelled 2020-10-04 01:17:17 957 Views1 Replies
I'm working on a battery-powered toy for my kids based on an Arduino mini pro and I'm trying to add audio using the Gravity Voice Module (DFR0534). Right now I'm trying to reduce the power consumption from the Voice Module - it's not in use the whole time, so I'd like to power it down or set it to a sleep/low power mode when it's not in use.
Is there means to power it down or reduce consumption when not in use without having to cut power to the module?
Any help on this would be appreciated!
2020-10-15 10:00:21 Hi, there.
Actually, the voice module itself does not support low power mode. It is suggested that you use switch, triode, MOS transistor or other devices to make the power supply of the module controllable, or set the Arduino board into sleep mode to achieve the purpose of power saving. For more information about Arduino sleep mode, you can read this post:
userHeadPic wangyf8797