
Help. DFRobotIRPosition random chars on serial monitor.

userHead Account cancelled 2020-10-23 10:49:44 885 Views1 Replies

Hello. I recived the DFRobot IR Positioning Camera (SEN0158) today, and I tried to use two codes on Arduino (1.8.12) to test it: the sample code from the wiki page of the product and another one called simpleDemo.ino. Both codes throw me these random chars on the serial monitor (images attached).

I got the second code from this library: ... r-position
The first one is the sample code on wiki page:
I don't know if the problem is the module or the program. I'll be thankful if you help me with this. Greetings.

2020-10-23 17:46:30 Hello there,
This problem occurs because the baud rate (9600) in your serial port window is inconsistent with the baud rate (19200) set in the two sample codes. To solve this problem, you can: 1. Change 9600 in the serial port window to 19200 2. Change 'Serial.begin(19200);' in the code to 'Serial.begin(9600);'
userHeadPic wangyf8797