
SHT20 I2C & Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor

userHead Account cancelled 2020-10-24 11:10:32 873 Views1 Replies
Could use "SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor" to measure the soil moisture(Water level in the soil) ?
Could I use "SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor" instead of "Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor"?
What's different of using "SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor" to measure the soil than "Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor"?
2020-10-28 10:35:43 Hi,
The definition of soil moisture is to take 1 kilogram of soil sample, dry it thoroughly, and the ratio of the reduced weight (weight of water) to 1 kilogram becomes the soil moisture. The definition of relative air humidity is the percentage of the absolute humidity at the current temperature to the saturated humidity at the current temperature. In summary, soil humidity and air humidity are not a concept, nor an order of magnitude. When the soil humidity is 10%, the air humidity in the soil is already 100%. Note: It will not be damaged if buried in the soil for a long time, even if it is charged and boiled in water, it will not be damaged. When faced with a slightly humid soil, the air humidity in the soil will be 100% for a long time, and the measurement will be meaningless.
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