Forum >Extension maqueen not compatible with Bluetooth

Extension maqueen not compatible with Bluetooth

userHead mi_semion 2020-11-09 07:24:04 4159 Views6 Replies
I tried to make robot maqeen controlled over bluetooth programmed on MakeCode. Looks like extension maqueen is not compatible with extension Bluetooth.
In MakeCode I added extension Bluetooth and created following program (see below)
When I added to the program an extension maqueen, the program started to show icons Sad and number 0 and 2.

Can it be fixed?

bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected(function () {
bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected(function () {
bluetooth.onUartDataReceived(serial.delimiters(Delimiters.Hash), function () {
s = bluetooth.uartReadUntil(serial.delimiters(Delimiters.SemiColon))
if (s == список[0]) {
} else {
let s = ""
let список: string[] = []
список = ["f", "b", "s"]
2020-11-14 04:24:52 maqueen.motorRun(maqueen.Motors.All, maqueen.Dir.CW, 128)

this program doesn't work if there is Bluetooth extension in the project
userHeadPic mi_semion
2020-11-14 03:23:15 minimal program with the problem:

userHeadPic mi_semion
2020-11-14 00:16:50 I updated firmaware on micro:bit, now it's 0250
created a new project and program described in the first post

- after load into micro:bit it was only static picture on screen, as expected

I added maqueen extension to the project:

- new program shows in cycle 0 2 and 'sad", as was described in original post.

Adding maqueen extension crearly change behavior of the program even without usage of maqueen blocks in the program
userHeadPic mi_semion
2020-11-13 23:54:24 Update of micro:bit firmware produces no effect.
Please update extension maqueen available in MakeCode
userHeadPic mi_semion
2020-11-13 23:29:31 Are there 2 statements:

1. maybe not latest firmware on my micro:bit
2. DFrobot has not updated maqueen extension available via MakeCode


1. Firmware on my micro:bit probably is not the latest, I'll update
If 2) is correct, Dfrobot would better update extension in MakeCode
userHeadPic mi_semion
2020-11-13 18:06:22 You may be using a previous version of the firmware, you can search DFRobot on the makecode official website to get the latest version of maqueen userHeadPic 347945801